In the year 2038. A police state, scheming politicians, religios sects, revolutionaries and a secret scientific project all combine to produce an explosive mixture in Neo-Tokyo. The rival groups all have their eyes on one prize: control of Akira, a boy of such destructive psychic ability that he has been held in cryo-stasis for over 30 years. A coup is planned, but there is a wild card in play: the psychic Tetsuo, an impetuous young biker who releases Akira and so forces all of the groups to make their move.
- Chapter 6.1 10/28/2024
- Chapter 6 10/28/2024
- Chapter 5.399999999999999 10/28/2024
- Chapter 5.299999999999999 10/28/2024
- Chapter 5.199999999999999 10/28/2024
- Chapter 5.1 10/28/2024
- Chapter 5 10/28/2024
- Chapter 4.499999999999998 10/28/2024
- Chapter 4.399999999999999 10/28/2024
- Chapter 4.299999999999999 10/28/2024
- Chapter 4.199999999999999 10/28/2024
- Chapter 4.1 10/28/2024
- Chapter 4 10/28/2024
- Chapter 3.5000000000000004 10/28/2024
- Chapter 3.4000000000000004 10/28/2024
- Chapter 3.3000000000000003 10/28/2024
- Chapter 3.2 10/28/2024
- Chapter 3.1 10/28/2024
- Chapter 3 10/28/2024
- Chapter 2.5000000000000004 10/28/2024
- Chapter 2.4000000000000004 10/28/2024
- Chapter 2.3000000000000003 10/28/2024
- Chapter 2.2 10/28/2024
- Chapter 2.1 10/28/2024
- Chapter 2 10/28/2024
- Chapter 1.5000000000000004 10/28/2024
- Chapter 1.4000000000000004 10/28/2024
- Chapter 1.3000000000000003 10/28/2024
- Chapter 1.2000000000000002 10/28/2024
- Chapter 1.1 10/28/2024
- Chapter 1 10/28/2024