The story begins with a scene of regret, chaos, and desperation. Sora lives with his little sister, An, and his rather comical father. An is the soloist of her school's chorus, and Sora is an awesome cook. Sora prepares his "honki" (serious) bento for his sister's school concert. Once An begins her solo, a mysterious force creates a rift in reality, as An's existense shatters right before everyone's eyes. Sora runs in to save her, but he too becomes part of this dark ritual. As Sora ends up transported to a fantasy world full of gigantic mushrooms, nothing seems to be certain on what will happen to these two. Source: MH
- Chapter 16 10/29/2024
- Chapter 15 10/29/2024
- Chapter 14 10/29/2024
- Chapter 13 10/29/2024
- Chapter 12 10/29/2024
- Chapter 11 10/29/2024
- Chapter 10 10/29/2024
- Chapter 9 10/29/2024
- Chapter 8 10/29/2024
- Chapter 7 10/29/2024
- Chapter 6.5 10/29/2024
- Chapter 6 10/29/2024
- Chapter 5 10/29/2024
- Chapter 4 10/29/2024
- Chapter 3 10/29/2024
- Chapter 2 10/29/2024
- Chapter 1 10/29/2024