Minna Ai no Seine
"Minna Ai no Seine" deals with the lives of the Nakatsukasa family. This men-only family revolves around Masato, the youngest of the lot and the most naive and innocent one. He's a gentle and physically weak kid who's constantly the center of attraction for his brothers and father (who looks like one of the brothers...). "Minna" is essentially a collection of stories about this unique family - school, family, life in general - and is the kind that leaves you with a warm feeling inside.
- Chapter 5 10/29/2024
- Chapter 4.2 10/29/2024
- Chapter 4.1 10/29/2024
- Chapter 3.2 10/29/2024
- Chapter 3.1 10/29/2024
- Chapter 2 10/29/2024
- Chapter 1 10/29/2024