Oshi To Deaitakunai Joshidaisei
The story follows Mai, a college student, who joins a light music club because of her crush, the bass player and distributor Single Mambo. However, she meets Mitsui, her classmate, who is also a fan! She doesn't want to get close to him and doesn't want to be revealed as a fan, but for some reason, Mitsui is getting closer and closer to her...?
- Chapter 17 09/11/2024
- Chapter 16 09/09/2024
- Chapter 15 09/09/2024
- Chapter 14 09/07/2024
- Chapter 13 09/07/2024
- Chapter 12 09/07/2024
- Chapter 11 09/07/2024
- Chapter 10 09/07/2024
- Chapter 9 09/07/2024
- Chapter 8 09/07/2024
- Chapter 7 09/07/2024
- Chapter 6 09/07/2024
- Chapter 5 09/07/2024
- Chapter 4 09/07/2024
- Chapter 3 09/07/2024
- Chapter 2 09/07/2024
- Chapter 1 09/07/2024